Adaptive Reuse
Purchasing Power
Storage Solutions
Thrifty Tips

Questions, comments, or just want to get involved in the discussion? Head on over to the discussion forum!

We are currently updating this section of the site. Check back often to review tips from Trash Force Members and Outside Sources. Also, email your tips and suggestions for “tip categories” to info@trashforce.net.

View our current tips and categories by clicking on the links in the sidebar.
  • Adaptive Reuse is concerned with everything reused. There are articles on things ranging from sharing left-overs to alternatives to wrapping paper.
  • Purchasing Power is focused on shopping with sustainability in mind. Current articles include limiting disposable bags and shopping locally.
  • Storage Solutions shares articles on all things storage, ranging from how to reuse old socks to the many uses for food packaging.
  • Thrifty Tips includes simple ideas that are good for the environment and your bank account.  You will probably notice some overlap between this and all of the other categories.  Sustainability doesn't have to be pricey.
More categories and tips will be added as we continue this process.  Feel free to share your ideas with us at: info@trashforce.net.

Give that Pickle Jar a Second-Life
  Would you like to store your dry goods in something other than their original boxes, but don’t want to pay for all of the organizers?