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DISCLAIMERS: The information provided by these sites does not necessarily reflect the views of the members of Trash Force, Inc. All quotes in the descriptions of this Links section are from the site that they are describing unless otherwise noted.
Carbon Conscious Consumer About: "Carbon Conscious Consumer (C3) is a national climate campaign sponsored by the Center for a New American Dream that challenges individuals to establish climate-friendly daily habits and inspire their friends to do the same."
Consumer Tips This links to the tips on our site.
GreenGo Homes According to the site, "GreenGo Homes would like to transform your home into a more energy efficient living space."
Green Living Tips Michael Bloch provides fantastic articles, tips, and blogs about green living. The site administrator also has a wonderful reproduction policy so some of the articles on our own site are reproductions from this one.
Ideal Bite Individuals can visit this site to sign up to have daily tips delivered to their email inbox.